The MACC Initiative
Autumn Manning
The MACC Initiative
The fall is approaching and things seem to be getting busier and busier. I am returning from maternity leave soon, a little sooner than expected. I have mixed emotions about this, of course. When I leave the kids for just a few hours now, I feel a sense of emptiness without them and want to rush home to be with them. Going back to work will be tough, but I am also looking forward to the hustle and bustle again.
August's member meeting was a great success, in my opinion. We had just over 20 members attend and working moms from many different stages in life and career came. I met a lot of new working moms and I believe one of our members found a new job from attending the lunch.
The September lunch is scheduled for Friday, September 25th @ 12:00 pm @ The Retail Training Academy in Bentonville. It is located across from the Walmart home office. We will use this time to meet fellow members, reveal our new website and how it will work for you (THANK YOU ROCKFISH INTERACTIVE!), and we will also be providing you with some ideas on things to do in the community with your family after-hours or on weekends. Many of you expressed an interest in learning what companies and businesses had "working mom friendly hours", so we have asked a couple of local chambers to come in and provide some resources to us.
We will have a local caterer bring in food ( to make it easy to meet and eat. The optional menu includes a baked potato bar, chili, salad, brownies, and tea for approximately $13. If you plan on attending the meeting and eating lunch, please let me know so that we can give the caterer an idea of a head count.
I am excited to see everyone again. Now that our membership is growing, we will soon be providing additional resources for members and member companies. Stay tuned!