

Donations to the Fayetteville Arts Festival and Fayetteville Downtown Partners Are a Piece of Cake!

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Why Become Involved?

Dear Business Owner,

The 2007 Fayetteville Arts Festival, held during the first two weekends of September, continues to expand its programming, reputation and reach. It is now one of the region's largest fine and performing arts festivals. As part of our regional marketing strategy, reaching almost 1.4 million people in four states, the festival is again producing the beautiful 4-color Artist Catalog. As the festival’s signature print piece, the Artist Catalog offers a unique direct marketing opportunity to artists, art enthusiasts, and Northwest Arkansas visitors and residents.

Listing participating artists and the festival schedule, the Artist Catalog also includes information on the arts and cultural community of Northwest Arkansas. Prior to the festival, it is distributed to events, hotels, restaurants, galleries, bars, coffee houses and other businesses throughout the region.

It is also distributed during both weekends of the festival – weekends that include University of Arkansas home football games.

2007 festival programming highlights include:
√ A highly competitive show of juried art from around the country
√ Public art projects and installation pieces from local and nationally acclaimed artists
√ Concert series from the winner of the international Fulbright Concerto Competition for
√ Fulbright College of Music faculty showcase
√ Folk, jazz, blues and classical music
√ 24-Hour Play Festival
√ TheatreSquared’s season opener,The Mystery of Irma Vep
√ Arkansas Playwrights Workshop staged readings
√ Theatre performances by Ceramic Cow Productions
√ Theatre and performance educational workshops
√ Street theater, comedy improvisation and cabarets
√ Performances by Palillos!, Dance Coalition and others
√ Readings from local, regional and national acclaimed authors and poets
√ Bookmaking and writing workshops
√ Multi-media installations

Please consider advertising in the 2007 Fayetteville Arts Festival Artist Catalog. It is a great way to support the arts in Northwest Arkansas, while directly getting your company name in front of thousands of potential customers.

Daniel Hintz
Executive Director
Fayetteville Downtown Partners

Interested in advertising in the Artists' Catalog for the Fayetteville Arts Festival?
Download the FAF ad rate sheet here (PDF).
Download the FAF sponsorship booklet here (PDF).

What Fayetteville Downtown Partners does:
1. Facilitation/implementation of Downtown Master Plan – Waiting for the final recommendations from the Architectural Design Committee to begin sending out the information to the community for feedback. Neighborhood Association census being conducted to provide the six NA’s and the City’s NA program with the demographic make-up of each association boundary. Another FDP deliverable.
2. Fayetteville Downtown Improvement District – The state CBID bill to facilitate greater representation on Improvement District commissions, setting commissioner terms and outlining range of services CBIDs can pay for was signed into law by Gov. Beebe this week. Another FDP deliverable.
3. Fayetteville Arts Festival – Programming, fundraising and marketing continues. MARS Advertising ( is providing the creative for the festival this year and is doing an excellent job! Another FDP deliverable.
4. Springfest – FDP has been supporting the event by programming the Performing Arts Stage at the Walton Arts Center. Another FDP deliverable.
5. Cultural Arts District – Scope, boundaries and recommendations have been submitted to the City. Waiting for Planning Commission action. Another FDP deliverable.
6. Fayetteville Arts Commission – Will be passed on April 3rd. FDP continues to engage possible FAC council members to apply. Another FDP deliverable.
7. Public Art Policy - Will be passed on April 3rd. Another FDP deliverable.
8. Downtown Parking (parking deck, paid and residential parking programs) – City is opening the RFP process up again on the proposed parking deck project to go behind the Walton Arts Center. FDP waiting for information on new deadlines and process.
9. Wayfinding and Signage – FDP pulled Team Fayetteville together to discuss comprehensive Wayfinding and Signage program in the city, with University of Arkansas partnership. Consultants will be returning with scope of work proposal within the next several weeks. Another FDP deliverable.
10. Downtown Concierge Program – An HTML email that will send folks to a special webpage on the FDP site was created to support NWA employer recruitment and retention efforts by providing specialized information on Fayetteville. This information will be sent to potential employees and new transplants, promoting the city and its amenities with the goal of getting folks in the vendor community to relocate to Fayetteville. Another FDP deliverable.
11. Downtown Ambassador Program – Currently working with several Greek organizations to develop a model Ambassador Program for downtown. This program provides a personal touch to our marketing efforts by providing on-the-street people trained to provide information to visitors during major events and weekends. This brightly uniformed group will also act as extra eyes for the Fayetteville Police Department and act as additional security for individual businesses and downtown residents. The Downtown Ambassador program can also provide sidewalk cleaning and maintenance for a fee. Another FDP deliverable.
12. State of Downtown Annual Report – State of Downtown Fayetteville report will provide stakeholder groups with an annual assessment of the overall health of the Fayetteville downtown area – including crime rates, HMR trends, housing/office space trends, downtown demographics, new investment and other business trends. Information will be provided at the end of the year. Another FDP deliverable.
13. One Vision. One Voice. Series – The OV.OV II: Wayfinding and Signage went well. Deliverables, timeline and stakeholder have been identified. OV.OV III is currently being planned. Another FDP deliverable.
14. Jefferson Center for Arts and Education – FDP continues to provide administration support for this project. A Jefferson Center Board of Directors has been formed and 501(c)3 paperwork will be submitted by this group. Another FDP deliverable.
15. Downtown Retail study – FDP has identified the need for a Downtown Retail study. Staff is currently identifying possible companies and funding mechanism to begin the study. Findings will hopefully be included in the 2007 State of Downtown Annual Report. Another FDP deliverable.

Learn more about FAF online.
Learn more about FDP online.


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