

Openings for Kids Spanish Programs

Dear Parents & Friends:
We need your help. Please forward this to your friends.
Thanks so much!

Lorena Ormeño -Larson
Larson's Language Center
1730 W. Poplar
Rogers, AR 72758


Spanish for Children
(Ages 2-13)
Immersion Programs

Take the opportunity to expose your children to another language, and learn at an early age.

We are enrolling now for WINTER 2008

Club de Niños
3-5 years old
2-5 years old
Day: Mondays
Start date: Jan. 7th, 2008
End date: April 21st, 2008
Day: Thursdays
Start date: Jan 10th, 2008
End date: April 24th, 2008
8:30am to 2:00 pm
8:30 to 11:30 am

Club de Chicos 5-13 years old

At Larson’s L.C. (no openings)
At Central Park Elementary School
Days: Wednesdays
Start date: Jan. 9th, 2008
End date: April 23rd, 2008
Days: Mondays
Start date: Jan. 7th, 2008
End date: April 21st, 2008
3:45 pm to 6:10 pm
3:10 pm to 5:30 pm

Program Contents:
These programs are structured around daily life activities and are appropriate for the abilities and skills that the children possess. The programs develop communication skills and teach general concepts, and each session has themes related to the season of the year.
We accomplish these goals through the following activities:

· Music
· Calendar
· Circle time/Activities at table: Theme/Math/Basic Skills/Science/Craft/Drawing
· Snack
· Recess
· Story time/History/Social Studies
· Free play time
· Videos
· Organized play time: Games/Role play
· Physical Education
· Vocabulary games


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