Part-Time Job with Flexible Hours
If you know an experienced person who is looking for a flexible part-time job in the North Miami area, you may want to refer them to me. I am looking for sales/ marketing coordinator to work about 25 hrs a week.
This is a permanent position for a very organized, outgoing, computer-savvy individual with office experience. This would be a great opportunity for a stay home who wants flexibility or perhaps someone who has recently retired and wants to work part-time. A student would also be okay provided they have office experience and can work without too much supervision.
If you know anyone who is interested please have them email me with a brief description of their experience, qualifications and contact info
To Your Success!
Mandy Bass
phone: 305 754 2127
This is a permanent position for a very organized, outgoing, computer-savvy individual with office experience. This would be a great opportunity for a stay home who wants flexibility or perhaps someone who has recently retired and wants to work part-time. A student would also be okay provided they have office experience and can work without too much supervision.
If you know anyone who is interested please have them email me with a brief description of their experience, qualifications and contact info
To Your Success!
Mandy Bass
phone: 305 754 2127
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