

Go Red for Women!

Focus on the heart in February, during American Heart Month

February is a time to celebrate heart-felt love. It's also American Heart Month, a time to protect our loved ones by raising awareness about heart disease. In 2007, heart disease remains America's number one cause of death. Stroke, a related condition, is number three — and is still a primary cause of serious, long-term disability.

Now there's a simple way you can help support our efforts this month. For a limited time, our Go Red For Women sponsors are offering special American Heart Month items. Part of the proceeds from the sale of each American Heart Month item will go to support our work in 2007. View sponsor offers now.

Want to do more? Join Go Red for Women in supporting new research and raising awareness all across the nation. To become a member, or for more information, call 1-888-MY-HEART (1-888-694-3278), or visit


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