Total Woman Workshop & Luncheon, August 29th

Total Woman Workshop & Luncheon
Hello everyone,
I have attached the flyer which has most of the information about the event.
Below I have briefly outlined the other information:
Tickets are $20.
1)The event will begin with the workshops in a "lecture hall" type of from 10am - 12pm. At 12pm we will move from the "lecture hall" to another room that will be setup for the luncheon. During the luncheon we will have a couple more presenters in more of an informal setting. We are all allowed to start setting up at 9am.
2)We are looking for sponsors, door prizes and raffle items. During the event we will be selling Raffle tickets for the larger $ donated items. Raffle winners will be drawn at the end of the luncheon. Door prizes will be given away throughout the event.
3)Media and advertising. Edwina, Margaret and I have volunteered to contact certain media places, but we could still use help contact a few more on the list. If you have sometime, please contact us.
4)I will be printing the tickets this weekend getting them to each member for them to sell. I will contact you when they are ready.
5)Please see the attached flyer and spread the word to all your friends, family and co-workers. I also have postcards that can be mailed to people, but the file is to large to send in this email. If you would like the file, please contact me.
Fayetteville BPW President
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